bringing air and surface disinfection to travelers everywhere

our fast-paced society keeps millions of people on the move every day
In our fast-paced society, transportation is a critical service sector that connects people, everywhere around the world. In fact, 34 million times each week, people board some form of public transportation. Keeping those travelers protected requires more in recent times – it also means tending to the air they breathe and surfaces they encounter along the way.
At BioShark and CASPR, we offer a passport to cleaner travel, with our continuous air and surface disinfectant technology. Our product applications include solutions for airplane and airport air quality, cruise ship or subway air quality, and purification for air and surfaces on trains, ferries and more.
In addition to offering a continuous, chemical-free solution, all CASPR products have a proven 99.96% rate of disinfection against molds and pathogens. CASPR technologies also reduce odors & VOCs, which is vital for areas with crowds and high traffic. What’s more, installation and maintenance are minimal, and our technology is automated to run without any interference from maintenance staff.

CASPR’s Transit Units air proven to reduce up to 99.96% of viruses in the air and on surfaces, including COVID-19. There’s no more need to wipe down seats and rails after each ride. School buses like the one to the left in Meriwether, GA., have stemmed the tide of drivers leaving and given both riders and drivers some peace of mind.